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Step 2. Tick Box
Step 3. Payment Information
To pay by Card enter your card number, valid expiry date and 3 digit CVC on card.
Amex not accepted

To pay by PayPal click the PayPal button, then hit pink complete order button.
Tax: $ 0.2 AUD
Total Due Today:
$ 89.00 AUD
CLINICAL NUTRITION PLAN:  Let the combination of expert of guidance in both fitness and nutrition take you to the next level !
This is your ONCE ONLY chance to add to your order lifetime access to 8 weeks of meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and masterclass guidance by from Prenatal and Women's Health Nutritionist Georgia Marrion.
Learn to love simple, delicious food again with an incredible nourishment plan that will make eating well during pregnancy and motherhood seamless. No dogma, just a proven weekly guided frame-work to ensure you are nourishing both you and your growing baby effectively TODAY FOR ONLY $59 (Value $810) DON'T MISS THIS !
For total upfront payment of
$89 AUD 


Includes workout videos, comprehensive downloads
PLUS Bonus Smoothie + Snack Guide

  to grab INSTANT ACCESS to a  clinical prenatal & women's nutrition plan for
additional $59 AUD
simply tick the box above

with both you pay only $148 AUD  for over $1000 worth of value !
 All workouts suitable for pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood.
Also safe for Pelvic Instability and Prolapse / Pelvic Floor issues
- with medical clearance to exercise.

Upon booking check your inbox for full course access details 
Any questions ? contact us right here

All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.
100% safe and secure
  • LIFETIME ACCESS : 1 x payment gives you instant access to over 12 hours of a variety of HIIT VIDEO workouts and comprehensive guidance
  • FAST ACTION BONUS : If you join now you receive a nutritional designed Smoothie Guide Valued $99
  • TOTAL BODY WORKOUTS : suitable for Pregnancy, Postpartum and any stage of Motherhood
  • BONUS : Access to the BFABMETHOD members only private Facebook Community - connect to other Mamas + access to LIVE Q&A's + Guest Experts
  • SAFE & EFFECTIVE : Pelvic Floor and Diastatis Recti safe workouts endorsed by Physiotherapist and Doctors
  • EASY ACCESS : Workout AT HOME from any device any time !
  • UNIQUE program designed by fully certified & experienced pregnancy + postpartum exercise specialist Dahlas Fletcher
  • ONCE ONLY CHANCE to grab a comprehensive clinical nutrition plan VALUE $810
    now only additional $59
  • INSTANT ACCESS TODAY for only $89